Help for Lancashire businesses

Boost is Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub. We have a dedicated team to help business develop and grow.

Ask for help

Business premises

Business accommodation available at key locations throughout the county.

Business services

Services available to businesses in Lancashire.

Conferencing and training

We offer superb, modern conferencing and meeting venues located across Lancashire.

Finance and funding

Support, finance and investment opportunities available to growing businesses.

Permits and licences

Apply or renew a permit or licence for your business.

Tenders and procurement

Find out how you can do business with the county council.

Trading standards

Business advice and services from our Trading Standards.

Major projects

Major projects across Lancashire to enable our future growth plans, bring thousands of new jobs, and increase investment and skills.

Economic Strategy 2023 – 2025

Providing the stimulus for constructive dialogue and the development of shared priorities for action, in conjunction with public and private sector leaders.

Social value

Leveraging social value from how we procure goods and services.