Register a stillbirth

All stillbirths in England or Wales must be registered in the area where the baby was stillborn within 42 days of the date of birth. A stillbirth is any baby born with no signs of life after 24 weeks of pregnancy. If there are no signs of life before 24 weeks, this is known as a miscarriage.

You can register a stillbirth that took place anywhere in Lancashire at any of our registration offices. You will need to book an appointment by contacting the office of your choice.

If English is not your first language you may ask a friend or relative to go with you to act as an interpreter. If you need us to provide an interpreter there will be a non-refundable charge of £86. We do not charge a fee for British Sign Language interpreters or similar communication support because of disabilities.

You will need to telephone to make an appointment on 0300 123 6705, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you prefer, you can go to any other registration office in England and Wales to give the details of the stillborn baby, but the birth will not be registered there. The details will be forwarded electronically to the correct office. This is called registering a stillbirth by declaration.

Who can register a stillbirth

If the parents of the child were married to, or in a legal civil partnership with, each other when the baby was stillborn, either parent may register the birth on their own and will include both parents' names in the register.

If the parents are not married or in a civil partnership, the father's (or second female parent's) details can only be entered in the register in the following circumstances:

  • The mother and father (or second female parent) go to the registration office and sign the stillbirth register together
  • Where either the mother or father (or second female parent) is unable to go to the registration office - they may make a statutory declaration acknowledging the father's (or second female parent's) parentage which the other parent must take to the registration office. You can download the statutory declaration of parentage form from the GOV.UK website.

When you attend the office, your appointment will take approximately 30 minutes unless you are registering multiple births or attending with an interpreter. Once the registration is complete, you can purchase a copy certificate. Certificates are £12.50 each.

Other people who may register stillbirths

If the mother or father (or second female parent) are not able to register the birth the registrar will arrange for the registration to be completed by whichever of the following people is best able to do so:

  • The occupier of the hospital or house where the stillbirth took place
  • Someone who was present at the stillbirth
  • Someone who is responsible for the stillborn child
  • The person who found the stillborn child (if the date and place of the stillbirth are unknown)

What you need to take

You will need the medical certificate of stillbirth issued by the doctor or midwife. This certificate will normally be sent direct to the registrar by your medical practitioner. If you have been given the medical certificate of still birth please bring it to your appointment. 

Information you need to register a stillbirth

  • Date and place of stillbirth
  • Sex of the child
  • First name(s) and surname of the child (only if you wish to name the child)

It would be useful if you could bring one of the following documents for both mother and father to the appointment, Passport/Utility Bill/Driving Licence/Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate. You can however still register the birth without any of these.

Father or second female parent

Where this information is to be entered in the register.

  • First name(s) and surname
  • Date and place of birth
  • Occupation


  • First name(s) and surname
  • Maiden surname (if applicable)
  • Date and place of birth
  • Occupation
  • Address at the date of the birth
  • Date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the birth
  • Number of previous children

What certificates will be issued

The information is recorded in the stillbirth register and the person registering the stillbirth signs the record. A certificate of registration (form 208) will be offered to the informant and will include the name and surname of the stillborn child. You can purchase a standard birth certificate, which shows the parents' details. The cost of a standard certificate at the time of registration is £12.50.

Registration can sometimes, in extenuating circumstances, be carried out at the hospital.

You can buy extra copies of the standard certificate after completing the registration by contacting the General Register Office (GRO).

Where to get further advice

If you have suffered a stillborn bereavement, whether you are a parent or other family member, the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) can offer a range of support services so you can choose what is right for you.


If you experience a loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks (a miscarriage), you are able to apply for a Baby Loss Certificate.  The Baby Loss Certificate service was launched on 22 February 2024 and fulfils a government commitment in the Women's Strategy for England.

It is a voluntary scheme to support parents who have experienced a pregnancy loss before 24 weeks and the certificate is an important acknowledgement of a life lost, but it is not a legal document.  

Either parent can apply for a Baby Loss Certificate if they have experienced a loss under 24 weeks since 1 September 2018, are at least 16 years of age, currently live in England, and were living in England at the time of the loss.