Inquest conclusions

Date of inquest Date inquest concluded Name of deceased Conclusion
19/08/2024 19/09/2024 ARMSTRONG, Stephen John David Suicide
23/08/2024 23/08/2024 AKRAM, Malik Malik Faisal AKRAM died shortly after 9pm on 15 January 2022 at the Congegation Beth Israel Synagogue at 6100 Pleasant Run Road, Colleyville, Texas. Malik Faisal AKRAM detained hostages at the Synagogue and died after being shot by Federal Agents.
27/08/2024 27/08/2024 BLACKSHAW, Gary Edward Gary Edward BLACKSHAW died on the 11th April 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. Mr BLACKSHAW was an active and adventurous man until he suffered a stroke in 2007 which left him with significant disabilities. By late 2023, his care needs had increased and he was resident at Hulton House Care Home. In the months prior to his death, Mr BLACKSHAW's wellbeing had deteriorated and he suffered significant pressure ulcers which became infected. On the 9th April 2024 Mr BLACKSHAW was admitted to hospital and noted to have low oxygen saturations. He died on the 11th April 2024 as a result of pneumonia which was not evident in blood tests or x-rays taken in life.
28/08/2024 28/08/2024 DUNNE, Stuart Drug related death
28/08/2024 28/08/2024 LANG, Philip Alan Suicide
28/08/2024 28/08/2024 MATAK, Irfan Ibrahim Drug related death
29/08/2024 29/08/2024 HUGHES, Jefferey Frederick Jeffrey Frederick HUGHES died on 25 February 2024 at East Lancashire Hospice, Park Lee Road, Blackburn in Lancashire. Mr HUGHES was diagnosed with lung cancer and underwent a bronchoscopy to review his lungs but suffered a hypoxaemic cardiac arrest due to pulmonary haemorrhage from the biopsy needle, which is a known but rare complication of the procedure. He subsequently suffered from confusion and his health deteriorated before being admitted to a hospice 
29/08/2024 29/08/2024 PIKE, Phillip Misadventure
29/08/2024 29/08/2024 ROBERTSON, Angus Herbert Donald Angus Herbert Donald ROBERTSON, a serving Naval Officer, died on the 27th March 2024 at the Asklepios Klinik St Georg, Hamburg, Germany. Lieutenant ROBERTSON had been on a night out with colleagues, following which he returned to his cabin and secured a ligature. He was found by colleagues and resuscitation was initially successful, which allowed for a transfer to hospital. Lieutenant ROBERTSON later died of injuries caused by the ligature. The ligature was tied deliberately by Lieutenant ROBERTSON with the intention to at that time to end his own life. However, he had no known mental health difficulties, a successful and promising career and close personal and family relationships. There is no evidence of prior planning to end his life.
30/08/2024 05/09/2024 BOOTH, Benjamin John Misadventure
03/09/2024 03/09/2024 HARE, Kenneth John Kenneth John HARE died on the 15th March 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital as a result of an aortic root abscess. Mr HARE underwent surgery in May 2023 to treat an underlying heart condition. Following that surgery, his health deteriorated and despite significant interventions he did not recover.
05/09/2024 05/09/2024 HILTON, Elainena Sylvia Edna Elainena Sylvia Edna HILTON died on the 22nd April 2024 at the Salford Royal Hospital as a result of acute liver failure. Ms HILTON had a complex medical history following development of acute mesenteric ischaemia in 2023 which required multiple surgeries and left her with a permanent central line in situ. In April 2024, Ms HILTON became unwell and then developed acute liver failure, caused by an infection from her central line. Despite treatment, her liver failed and caused her death.
05/09/2024 05/09/2024 MURTAGH, Edward George On 7 June 2024 Edward George MURTAGH, who was suffering from advanced dementia and depression, was found lying on the floor of the bedroom in his care home accommodation having looped the cord of the bedside call bell around his neck, as a result of which he suffered fatal injury. By reason of his dementia, his intention when he put the cord around his neck cannot be established.
05/09/2024 05/09/2024 PLOWRIGHT, Paul Drug related death
06/09/2024 06/09/2024 BRADSHAW, Barbara Barbara BRADSHAW died on the 28th April 2024 at the Lowfield House Residential Home, Railway View Avenue, Clitheroe, as a result of injuries she sustained falling from her wheelchair. Mrs BRADSHAW had previously suffered a stroke which left her requiring the use of a wheelchair. On the 27th April 2024, Mrs BRADSHAW slid out of her wheelchair, injuring herself. Paramedics attended but Mrs BRADSHAW did not wish to attend at hospital and died the following morning.
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 GOFF, Derek Anthony Suicide
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 GREENWOOD, Jon Barrie William Suicide
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 LAYCOCK, Connor Christopher Drug related
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 SIMPSON, Michael James Suicide
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 TOWERS, Michael David Misadventure
09/09/2024 09/09/2024 WALKER, Rosie Rosie WALKER died on the 29th May 2022 at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary as a result of impaired breathing, having fallen asleep on a sofa with her father. The impairment to Rosie's breathing was entirely unintentional and a consequence of the sleeping environment and not a deliberate act.
10/09/2024 10/09/2024 BUTTERWORTH, Alan Alan BUTTERWORTH died on the 2nd May 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of bleeding within his brain. Mr BUTTERWORTH had been an inpatient at the hospital since early April 2024 and was suffering with metastatic cancer. On the 30th April 2024, Mr BUTTERWORTH got out of bed and became dizzy which caused him to fall and bang his head. The fall caused bleeding within his brain which caused his death.
10/09/2024 10/09/2024 NUNN, Susan Susan NUNN died on the 6th February 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of bleeding in her brain following a biopsy. Mrs NUNN had recently been diagnosed with a glioblastoma and was undertaking a biopsy to establish possible treatment options. Following the biopsy, Mrs NUNN suffered with bleeding in her brain which caused her death. Bleeding is a recognised complication of the biopsy process.
11/09/2024 11/09/2024 CUNLIFFE, Michael John Michael John CUNLIFFE died on the 13th June 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital after suffering a stroke. In the early hours of the 7th June 2024 Mr CUNLIFFE had a fall down stairs at home which caused bleeding within his brain. He was taken to the hospital and whilst in hospital suffered the stroke which caused his death. It is not possible to determine whether an accident or medical event caused Mr CUNLIFFE to fall.
11/09/2024 11/09/2024 VICKERS, David Misadventure
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 BROMILOW, Gladys Ruth On 16th December 2023 Gladys Bromilow was admitted to Chorley District Hospital with infections to her legs and lungs. Prior to discharge, on 11th January 2024 she fell and fractured her hip. She was transferred to Royal Preston Hospital for surgery on 12th January 2024, which was uneventful. Despite ongoing post-operative treatment she developed Covid pneumonitis and suffered an exacerbation of her long standing lung conditions and passed away on 20th January 2024.
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 FARADAY, Katherine Suicide
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 HAWTHORNTHWAITE, John John HAWTHORNTHWAITE, otherwise known as Jack HAWTHORNTHWAITE, was found deceased on the 7th February 2024 at Brussels Road, Darwen. Mr HAWTHORNTHWAITE had suffered with dementia and last lived at the Highfield Residential Home. He was prone to leaving the home. On the 13th March 2001, Mr HAWTHORNTHWAITE left the home and did not return. A police investigation did not locate him. His skeletal remains were discovered at Brussels Road and due to this it has not been possible to ascertain Mr HAWTHORNTHWAITE's cause of death. There is no evidence to suggest that he was the victim of any crime or intended to end his own life.
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 JONES, Dennis John Drug related
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 McDONALD, Brian Lawrence Suicide
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 STONE, Bronya Alisa Suicide
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 WAREING, Anne Yvonne Accidental death
12/09/2024 12/09/2024 ZIELINSKI, Marcin Wojciech Marcin Wojciech ZIELINSKI was found deceased on the 7th April 2024 at 29 Sun Street, Lancaster. It is not possible to determine whether Mr ZIELINSKI died as a result of the potentially fatal amount of alcohol he ingested shortly before his death or whether his death was the result of ischaemic heart disease. Mr ZIELINSKI's death may have resulted from the combined effects of both excessive alcohol consumption and sudden cardiac failure
13/09/2024 13/09/2024 BULL, Thomas James Accidental death
13/09/2024 13/09/2024 McGOWAN, Allan William Allan William MCGOWAN was found dead at his home on the 13th of April 2024 having ingested an excess of drugs including heroin although there was no evidence available to explain his drug use or the circumstances in which the drugs were taken
13/09/2024 13/09/2024 MENGELLA, Diane Jacqueline Diane MENGELLA was admitted to hospital on 5th February 2024 following left leg pain. She was found to have ischaemia in the leg and a decision was made to amputate the same day. Following amputation the ischaemia continued and despite care and treatment the condition of the amputation site and Ms MENGELLA's health deteriorated. Following surgery there was a prolonged period of immobility, causing Ms MENGELLA to develop pressure sore damage, which led to an infection. Also identified during this period a necrotic lung mass. Both the infection and the lung mass contributed to Ms MENGELLA's decline. Ms MENGELLA continued to deteriorate but was discharged to receive palliative care in the community. She was re-admitted to hospital to manage the ischaemic amputation site and pressure damage but her health continued decline. Ms MENGELLA was again discharged for palliative care in the community. She died at home on 30th April 2024.
13/09/2024 13/09/2024 NIXON, George Natural causes
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 BEAUMONT, Michael George Suicide
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 BLACKBURN, Joanne Linda Misadventure
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 EMERSON, Patricia King Patricia King EMERSON died on the 24th June 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. On the 22nd June 2024, Mrs EMERSON suffered a fall at her home and sustained an intracerebral bleed. There were no treatment options available for Mrs EMERSON, who had significant underlying health conditions which were being investigated at the time of her death. It is not possible to determine whether an accident or a medical event caused Mrs EMERSON to fall
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 GILL, Jack Jack GILL died on the 18th July 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary as a result of injuries he sustained in a fall from a parked car. 
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 HUDSON, Mary Irene Mary Irene HUDSON died on the 13th July 2024 at the Favordale Home for the Elderly, Byron Road, Colne as a result of epithelioid mesothelioma. The mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos. It has not been possible to determine the source of Mrs HUDSON's exposure to asbestos which may have been via her employment and may additionally or alternatively have been via her husband's employment.
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 KEY, Brian Misadventure
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 MARTIN, Kenneth Leslie Kenneth Leslie MARTIN died on the 19th May 2024 at 47a Salford Road, Galgate, Lancaster, as a result of malignant mesothelioma in circumstances where it cannot be established if or when he was ever exposed to asbestos during the course of his working life
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 SENIOR, Eva Road traffic collision
16/09/2024 16/09/2024 WILFORD, Mavis Mavis WILFORD died on the 5th July 2024 at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary Wigan, as a result of injuries she sustained in a fall. It is not possible to determine whether an accident or medical event caused Mrs WILFORD to fall. She reported feeling dizzy immediately prior to falling. 
17/09/2024 17/09/2024 COLETTA, Benjamin Antonio Suicide
17/09/2024 17/09/2024 FOREMAN, John John FOREMAN died on the 12th May 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. He was admitted to hospital on the 26th April 2024 following a fall whilst out walking which caused a fracture to his neck of femur that was surgically treated. After the surgery, whilst an inpatient, Mr FOREMAN got out of bed where he slipped and fell. This second fall caused a bleed within his brain. To attempt to stop the bleeding, Mr FOREMAN's blood thinning medication was discontinued and he developed a pulmonary embolism which caused his death.
17/09/2024 17/09/2024 GRIFFIN, Joseph Joseph GRIFFIN died during a procedure to insert a stent to treat an acute thrombotic occlusion. The thrombus had developed at the site of a previously grafted aortic stent. Mr GRIFFIN had a number of pre-existing cardiac issues. On 3rd May 2024 he suffered a cardiac event which led to his collapse. He was taken to accident and emergency where a CT scan revealed the thrombus. Advice was sought from specialist teams but it was decided that as Mr GRIFFIN was critically ill, cardiothoracic surgical intervention was not appropriate. A decision was made to insert a further stent but Mr GRIFFIN died during the procedure.
17/09/2024 17/09/2024 HOLT, Philip Anthony Road traffic collision
17/09/2024 17/09/2024 PUGH, Michael James Drug related death
18/09/2024 18/09/2024 KNIGHT, Wayne Christopher Drug related death
18/09/2024 18/09/2024 SCOTT, Alistair Duncan Alistair Duncan SCOTT who suffered from a number of comorbidities died at Royal Blackburn Hospital on the 11th of April 2024 from an infection having been admitted to hospital on the 5th of April 2024 a dressing on his right foot was not removed until the 9th of April 2024 resulting in an above knee amputation from which he did not recover
19/09/2024 19/09/2024 HOLT, Gabriel Jack Misadventure
19/09/2024 19/09/2024 MEADOW, Joseph Herbert Joseph Herbert MEADOW died at Chorley and South Ribble General Hospital on the 2nd of June 2024 having been exposed to asbestos during his working life although when and where that happened could not be better ascertained
19/09/2024 19/09/2024 WATERHOUSE, James Peter James Peter WATERHOUSE was found dead at his home on the 3rd of May 2024 however no cause of death could be ascertained due to decomposition
20/09/2024 20/09/2024 CANT, Christine Natural causes
20/09/2024 20/09/2024 ECCLES, Frederick Accidental death
20/09/2024 20/09/2024 HOLMES, Peter John Suicide
20/09/2024 20/09/2024 JARZECKI, Jakub Stanislaw Drug related death
23/09/2024 23/09/2024 BHAYAT, Mohammed Salim Drugs related death
23/09/2024 23/09/2024 HALL, Stuart Antony Drugs related death
23/09/2024 23/09/2024 QUIGLEY, David Drugs related death
24/09/2024 24/09/2024 FORRESTER, Timothy John Drug related death
24/09/2024 24/09/2024 MULLEN, Jan Elizabeth Misadventure
24/09/2024 24/09/2024 ORMISHER, Thomas Misadventure
24/09/2024 24/09/2024 THORNTON, David Alan Suicide
24/09/2024 27/09/2024 YOUNG, Marina Sharon Marina Sharon YOUNG died on 22 June 2022 after a 39 hour wait for a hospital bed in Royal Preston Hospital's Accident & Emergency Department. Her death, due to asthma, was preventable and was caused by neglect characterised both by a gross failure to provide appropriate assessment and medical care and an inadequate escalation of her management to specialist physicians or ITU.
25/09/2024 25/09/2024 LISHMAN, Allan Allan LISHMAN who suffered from a number of comorbidities died at Royal Blackburn Hospital on the 6th of January 2024 from an infection. He had attended hospital on the 4th of January 2024 following a fall and was managed throughout in the emergency department. There was evidence of poor monitoring of his observations and medications prior to his death.
25/09/2024 25/09/2024 PININGTON, Pauline Mary Pauline Mary PININGTON died on 5 July 2023 at Royal Infirmary, Lancaster in Lancashire. Pauline underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in order to remove common bile duct stones and was discharged shortly after the ERCP following an Xray which identified the stones had been removed. However, she had been suffering with significant abdominal pain following the procedure, so reattended the hospital the following day. She was diagnosed with sepsis due to cholangitis and antibiotic treatment started. A CT scan was undertaken later that evening which unexpectedly revealed multiple gallstones, dilatation of bile ducts and stones in the distal common bile duct causing biliary dilatation. By this stage Pauline was very unwell. A surgical review completed the next day identified the need to improve biliary drainage but Pauline deteriorated before the treatment plan was put in place and did not recover
26/09/2024 26/09/2024 FALLOWS, Joseph Joseph FALLOWS died on the 4th July 2023 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mr FALLOWS underwent surgery on the 27th June 2023 to remove a tumour in his bowel. Following his surgery, he initially recovered well but then his health deteriorated. Early signs of deterioration were not noted and escalated and Mr FALLOWS struggled with significant pain. By the 3rd July 2023, Mr FALLOWS was significantly unwell and he was taken for emergency surgery which revealed that his large and small bowel had died as a result of a lack of blood flow caused by a blood clot. Mr FALLOWS' care was reorientated to palliative care and he died in the early hours of the 4th July 2023.
27/09/2024 27/09/2024 BUSFIELD, Martin Anthony Suicide
27/09/2024 27/09/2024 SCHOLLICK, Stephen Paul Misadventure 
30/09/2024 30/09/2024 HORN, Martin John Accident
30/09/2024 30/09/2024 REDMAN, James Albert Suicide
30/09/2024 30/09/2024 SIEGEL, Rollo George Drugs related death
01/10/2024 01/10/2024 MILLS, Tony Allan Suicide
01/10/2024 01/10/2024 PICKSTOCK, Graeme Alcohol related
02/10/2024 02/10/2024 BARKER, Kay Kay BARKER died on the 20th January 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mrs BARKER had been diagnosed in late 2023 with bowel cancer for which she had undergone surgery and chemotherapy. On the 19th January 2024, Mrs BARKER was noted to have low blood pressure and was feeling unwell. She attended the Burnley General Hospital and was later transferred to the Royal Blackburn Hospital. On the 20th January 2024 at around 15:45, Mrs BARKER collapsed in a toilet cubicle and despite attempts to resuscitate her, she died as a result of pulmonary embolism. Mrs BARKER was at increased risk of pulmonary embolism due to her cancer and chemotherapy.
03/10/2024 03/10/2024 ARCHER, Alun Natural causes
04/10/2024 04/10/2024 BARNES, George Edward Drug related
04/10/2024 04/10/2024 EVANS, Norman Arthur Norman Arthur EVANS died on the 5th July 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. Mr EVANS was the carer for his wife and was found having fallen from his bed by her. Assistance was not sought immediately due to the cognitive needs of his wife. Mr EVANS had suffered bleeding within his brain as a result of his fall and also tested positive for COVID-19. Whilst in hospital, his condition deteriorated and his care was re-orientated to palliative care. It is not possible to determine whether an accident or medical event caused Mr EVANS to fall from his bed.
04/10/2024 04/10/2024 JOSLIN, David Joseph Suicide
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 LIVESEY, Lena Natural causes
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 MOSS, Jacqueline Gail Jacqueline Gail MOSS died on the 21st January 2023 at the Royal Preston Hospital. Mrs MOSS suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage caused by an aneurysm in 2016, following which her health deteriorated. By December 2022, Mrs MOSS was bed bound and required care for all activities of daily living. She had a naso-gastric tube in situ for oral intake. She lived in a care home and during her time there she became dehydrated and constipated, in part due to a lack of appropriate fluid intake and bowel management. Her constipation caused a perforation to her abdominal viscus which resulted in her death. Mrs MOSS' death was contributed to by neglect on the part of the care home responsible for her care.
09/10/2024 09/10/2024 RIMMER, Angela Anita Accidental death
10/10/2024 10/10/2024 GREENHALGH, John James Accident
10/10/2024 10/10/2024 HAY, Phyllis Mary Phyllis Mary HAY who suffered from a number of comorbidities died on the 28th of June 2024 at Saint Catherine's Hospice from an infection following a fall in her care home from her bed on the 21st of June 2024 causing a bleed on her brain. She had been cared for with significantly reduced capacity since her return to the care home on the 5th of June 2024 after her discharge from hospital where she had been treated for a fractured left neck of femur caused by an earlier fall in her care home on the 19th of May 2024 when she had fallen in a bathroom whilst unaccompanied
11/10/2024 11/10/2024 HINES, Rafe Edward Stratford Rafe Edward Stratford HINES died on the 9th of December 2023 at Royal Blackburn hospital from a kidney disorder. He had been admitted to hospital on the 30th of November 2023 following a collapse at his home and underwent an initial consultant review and bloods were taken and analysed. There was no follow-up review or bloods taken thereafter until the 4th of December by which time his condition has significantly deteriorated.
14/10/2024 14/10/2024 BRADY, Scott Lee Scott Lee BRADY died on the 27th May 2024 at 8 Waddington Road, Preston, from the effects of ingesting a fatal quantity of drugs. It has not been possible on the available evidence to determine what Mr BRADY intended by ingesting the drugs
14/10/2024 14/10/2024 COTTAM, Paul Suicide
14/10/2024 14/10/2024 HENDERSON, Candace Accident
14/10/2024 14/10/2024 WARBURTON, Robert Accident
14/10/2024 14/10/2024 WHITTAKER, Philip Andrew Philip Andrew WHITTAKER died on 11 July 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston in Lancashire. Mr WHITTAKER was admitted to hospital feeling unwell. During an extended stay, he deteriorated. He died as a result of mesenteric ischemia which was caused by reduced blood supply caused by clots which developed as a result of Mr WHITTAKER's age, previous smoking history, diabetes, high blood pressure and prior recreational drug use
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 ALLEN, Diana Accidental death
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 BLINKHORN, Garry Paul Accident 
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 HOWIESON, Mark Stephen Mark Stephen HOWIESON died on the 6th of July 2024 at his nursing home. He had become progressively more frail following a road traffic collision in 1998 in which he had sustained a traumatic brain injury.
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 MCGOWAN, Caden Misadventure
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 NICOLSON, Robert James Kerr Drug relate death
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 REID, Peter John Drink related death
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 UMERJI, Yunus Vally Mohmed Accidental death
15/10/2024 15/10/2024 WILLIAMS, Stephen James Drug related death
16/10/2024 16/10/2024 JOHNSON, Jeanette Ann Jeanette Ann JOHNSON died on 2 September 2022 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston in Lancashire. Mrs JOHNSON was admitted to hospital with signs of confusion. Several days following her admission and after a significant period of immobility, her condition suddenly worsened before quickly going into cardiac arrest. She did not recover. Mrs JOHNSON died as a result of a pulmonary thromboembolism
16/10/2024 16/10/2024 SHEALS, Kate Elizabeth Suicide
17/10/2024 17/10/2024 HOLT, Peter Warren Accidental death
17/10/2024 17/10/2024 SCHOFIELD, Eileen On the 22 June 2022 Eileen SCHOFIELD fell and struck her head on the bedside table in her room at Belvedere Care Home, Accrington, as a result of which she suffered unsurvivable injury in the form of a subdural haematoma and deteriorated and subsequently died at Royal Blackburn Hospital on 18 July 2024.
18/10/2024 18/10/2024 BAMFORD, Steven Laurence Death by suicide
18/10/2024 18/10/2024 COGAN, Elizabeth Accidental death
18/10/2024 18/10/2024 DEWHURST, Michael Howard Natural causes
18/10/2024 18/10/2024 DUFF, Maralyn Maralyn DUFF was found deceased on the 15th July 2024 at 23 Padiham Road, Sabden. Mrs DUFF suffered a fall which caused a traumatic head injury from which she did not recover. It cannot be determined whether a medical event or an accident caused her to fall and sustain the injury
18/10/2024 18/10/2024 HARRIS , Nathan Paul Suicide
21/10/2024 24/10/2024 ASLAM, Nasir Ifzal Nasir Ifzal ASLAM died on 2nd March 2023 at Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire. Mr ASLAM died of multiple trauma as a result of injuries from the fall from Clitheroe Road Bridge. Mr ASLAM climbed over the railings of the bridge and dropped to the carriageway below having intended to end his life. Mr ASLAM's decision to end his life was impacted by long standing issues with his sleep and mental health.
21/10/2024 21/10/2024 KIMBERLEY, James Joseph Suicide
21/10/2024 21/10/2024 MALONE, Jason Jason MALONE died on the 6th June 2024 at 53 Springfield Bank, Burnley, from the effects of codeine and amitriptyline toxicity. Mr MALONE'S intentions at the time of ingesting the codeine and amitriptyline cannot be determined
22/10/2024 22/10/2024 BEAZER, Jonathan Suicide
22/10/2024 22/10/2024 DEAN, Colin James Suicide
22/10/2024 22/10/2024 HOWARTH, Albert Industrial disease
22/10/2024 22/10/2024 SHERRIFF, Iwan Alcohol related death
23/10/2024 23/10/2024 NEWSHAM, Bernadette Bernadette NEWSHAM who suffered from a number of comorbidities died on the 25th of July 2024 at the Royal Preston hospital from an infection having aspirated whilst in her care home
23/10/2024 23/10/2024 ROWCROFT, Melissa Jayne Melissa Jayne ROWCROFT was found dead at her home on the 5th of May 2024 having ingested an excess of medication however it was not possible to determine her intentions at the time
24/10/2024 24/10/2024 BROWN, David Harold David Harold BROWN was found dead at his home address on the 12th July 2024. Mr BROWN had fallen from his bed and evidence at his home suggests he was intoxicated. Mr BROWN had a history of excessive alcohol use and a medical history which include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is apparent that Mr BROWN had died some time prior to being found and so no analysis of his blood alcohol levels could be undertaken. There is no evidence that Mr BROWN suffered any trauma which caused his death and no evidence to suggest he took his own life. His cause of death could not be identified due to decomposition.
24/10/2024 24/10/2024 LANG, Simon Michael Drugs related death
24/10/2024 24/10/2024 MOSS, Craig Alan Drugs related death
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 Bronze Age, gold ribbon Treasure
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 CLAY, Thomas Stephen Thomas Stephen CLAY died on the 18th of July 2024 at Old Sawley Grange Sawley having suspended himself by the neck whilst under the influence of drugs however it was not possible to determine his intentions at the time
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 Early Medieval hack, silver ingot Treasure
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 KERSHAW, Lee Lee KERSHAW was found at his home on the 21st of July 2024 however due to decomposition no cause of death could be ascertained
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 Medieval , silver pennies Treasure
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 Medieval silver, annular brooch Treasure
25/10/2024 25/10/2024 Middle Bronze Age, Torc and gold rings Treasure
28/10/2024 28/10/2024 HEWSON, Ally Suicide
28/10/2024 28/10/2024 MARSDEN, Donna Louise Donna Louise MARSDEN died on the 1st May 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. Ms MARSDEN had a number of underlying health conditions including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and gallstones which caused her health to deteriorate. From January 2024 Ms MARSDEN had a number of hospital admissions. At that time, both her liver function and gallstones were investigated and she was treated for a possible infection with a penicillin based antibiotic. As a consequence of that antibiotic, Ms MARSDEN suffered a rare but recognised complication of the medication which further damaged her liver. The additional injury to Ms MARSDEN's already damaged liver caused it to fail which led to further organs failing and her death.
28/10/2024 28/11/2024 O'CONNOR, Lesley-Anne Accident
29/10/2024 29/10/2024 AINSWORTH, Anthony Phillip Misadventure
29/10/2024 29/10/2024 DESPARD, May May DESPARD died on the 2nd August 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, following an unwitnessed fall at her home. Mrs DESPARD suffered multiple traumatic fractures as a result of the fall from which she did not recover. Mrs DESPARD's fall was contributed to by her underlying medical conditions. Mrs DESPARD was also found to have severely low sodium levels at the time of her death which may have increased her risk of falling
29/10/2024 29/10/2024 STEPHENSON, Barbara Barbara STEPHENSON died on 9 December 2023 at Royal Infirmary, Lancaster in Lancashire. Mrs STEPHENSON was admitted to hospital with confusion and was treated for infection. She had a fall on the ward. A CT scan was completed the following day when Mrs STEPHENSON's condition worsened, and she became unresponsive. The scan showed a subdural haematoma which was caused by the fall. She did not recover
29/10/2024 29/10/2024 TURNER, David Anthony Accident
30/10/2024 01/11/2024 PARKINSON, David David Parkinson who suffered from a number of comorbidities died on the 15th of December 2022 at the Royal Preston hospital following vascular surgery undertaken on the 14th of December. The surgery was preceded by a series of falls in the hospital ward. Postoperatively he suffered a seizure resulting in bleeds most likely the result of injuries from earlier falls. The surgery on the 14th of December had been delayed since his initial referral during which time his condition deteriorated and thus the delay is likely to have contributed to his death. 
31/10/2024 31/10/2024 DOWNING, Michael Robert Road traffic collision
31/10/2024 31/10/2024 MASON, Tracey Tracey MASON died on the 11th June 2024 at Flat 3a, Rigg House, Mainway, Lancaster. Ms MASON suffered with atheromatous coronary vascular disease and left ventricular hypertrophy contributed to by hypertension. A toxicological investigation confirmed that Ms MASON had cocaine and amphetamine in her system at the time of her death which may have further impaired her cardiac function. It has not been possible on the available evidence to determine whether Ms MASON'S naturally occurring heart disease or the illicit drugs in her system caused her death or whether it was the result of a combination of both of these elements
31/10/2024 31/10/2024 MCCRUDDEN, Alan John Suicide
31/10/2024 31/10/2024 RHODES, Paul Andrew Suicide
31/10/2024 31/10/2024 SPARROW, Mark Suicide
04/11/2024 04/11/2024 FILLINGHAM, Judith Dawn Judith Dawn FILLINGHAM died on the 13th June 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital having choked whilst eating lunch at home. Mrs FILLINGHAM had a complex medical history which included dementia and a recent stroke, both of which left her swallow impaired and increased her risk of choking. 
04/11/2024 04/11/2024 INSKIP, Paul Accident
05/11/2024 05/11/2024 HALL, Sheila Margaret Accidental death
05/11/2024 05/11/2024 MCNULTY, Agnes Accidental death
05/11/2024 05/11/2024 MERCER, Christopher David Alcohol related death
05/11/2024 05/11/2024 MYERS, Dieter Drug related death
05/11/2024 05/11/2024 WORMWELL, Joseph Joseph WORMWELL died on the 25th October 2023 at the Burnley General Hospital as a result of urosepsis and pressure ulcers. Mr WORMWELL had been a fit and active gentleman until he suffered a displaced fracture to his ankle in a fall in late August 2023. This was operated on and necessitated inpatient hospital admission. In the course of this admission, Mr WORMWELL developed pressure ulcers and contracted COVID. By the 20th October 2023, Mr WORMWELL's oral intake was reduced and tests indicated he was suffering with a urinary tract infection which developed into urosepsis, despite treatment and caused his death.
07/11/2024 07/11/2024 GERRARD, Paul Paul GERRARD died on 2nd August 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital as a result of Community Acquired Pneumonia. His death was contributed to by trauma related lung contusions. Mr GERRARD was reported to have fallen on the 13th July 2024. It is not possible to determine whether this incident or a separate unknown incident which caused the traumatic injuries which contributed his death.
07/11/2024 07/11/2024 MCBRYDE, Gail Gail MCBRYDE died on the 5th February 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. She had been admitted to the hospital for drainage of a perinephric abscess which took place on the 26th January 2024. Following the procedure, Ms MCBRYDE appeared initially to recover well before developing a further pus collection which required intervention. In the early hours of the 5th February 2024, Ms MCBRYDE suffered bleeding and blood tests indicated she required a blood transfusion. The request for cross-matched blood was not correctly completed by the clinician, who had not contacted the laboratory in advance of the request being sent to highlight the urgency of the request. This in turn led to the laboratory not contacting the ward to notify them of the rejection of the sample or the possible alternative use of non-specific blood. These factors meant that Ms MCBRYDE did not receive a blood transfusion prior to her death. At 8:10 am Ms MCBRYDE suffered a cardiac arrest due to anaemia following bleeding. Attempts to resuscitate her were unsuccessful. Ms MCBRYDE's death at this time would have been prevented if she had received the prescribed blood transfusion.
07/11/2024 07/11/2024 MIAH, Minto Drug related death
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 COX, Terence Terence COX died on the 10th October 2023 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of pulmonary embolism. Mr COX had been suffering with significant nosebleeds which had required hospital treatment and withholding his usual anticoagulation therapy. From Sunday the 8th October 2023, Mr COX became more unwell. He underwent a blood transfusion and embolization procedure on the morning of the 10th October 2023, following which he became unstable and died despite attempts at resuscitation.
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 IVANAUSKAS, Valdas Suicide
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 KEEFFE, Maryanne Drug related death
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 LITTLE, James Bruce Industrial disease
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 TURNER, Stuart Allan Accidental death
08/11/2024 08/11/2024 WOODHOUSE, Kenneth Suicide
11/11/2024 11/11/2024 DENNEHY, Jeremiah Daniel Suicide
11/11/2024 11/11/2024 JOHNSTON, Jeffrey Accident
11/11/2024 13/11/2024 LIGHTBOWN, Barry Suicide
11/11/2024 11/11/2024 MAXWELL, Ann Veronica Ann Veronica MAXWELL died on the 7th September 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mrs MAXWELL had suffered a fall on the 5th September 2024 whilst putting out bins on her driveway. Mrs MAXWELL had suffered a number of falls or episodes of overbalancing prior to her death. It is not possible to determine whether a tripping type accident or overbalancing caused Mrs MAXWELL to fall. Following the fall, in which Mrs MAXWELL sustained a fracture to her cervical spine, her heart was unable to function normally and she died as a result of coronary artery disease.
11/11/2024 12/11/2024 MUGHAL, Iftikhar Ahmed Iftikhar Ahmed MUGHAL died on 26 November 2022 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston. Mr MUGHAL died of severe head injuries resulting from a fall on 22 November 2022. The fall occurred whilst working at height, fitting signs on behalf of his employer, W H Metals Limited, at a shop in Darwen. Mr MUGHAL fell backwards from scaffolding which lacked any guard rail.
11/11/2024 11/11/2024 PRIESTLEY, Michael Suicide
11/11/2024 11/11/2024 RICHMOND, Stuart David Misadventure
12/11/2024 12/11/2024 BAMFORD, Margaret Margaret BAMFORD died on the 15th August 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, Blackburn, from an hypoglycaemic brain injury, the cause of which was an insulin overdose. It has not been possible on the available evidence to determine Mrs BAMFORD'S intentions at the time of ingesting the insulin 
12/11/2024 12/11/2024 BOTTERILL, Lucas Jack Drug related
12/11/2024 12/11/2024 PROCTER, Edward John Suicide
12/11/2024 12/11/2024 ROSTRON, Mark Andrew Suicide
13/11/2024 15/11/2024 INCE, Kevin Anthony Natural causes
15/11/2024 15/11/2024 LEES, James Darren Suicide
15/11/2024 15/11/2024 ROBERTS, David Lee David Lee ROBERTS died at his home on the 25th of May 2024. Whilst suffering from heart disease he had taken an excess of medication mixed with alcohol which in combination ended his life. 
15/11/2024 15/11/2024 STEVENSON, Anthony Suicide
18/11/2024 18/11/2024 CRADDOCK, Adam Suicide
18/11/2024 18/11/2024 HACKING, Susan Patricia Susan Patricia HACKING died on the 22nd September 2023 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, Blackburn, from sepsis of an unknown aetiology. Mrs HACKING had multiple complex comorbidities including congenital adrenal hyperplasia, diabetes mellitus and short bowel syndrome. Mrs HACKING developed metabolic acidosis but there was a missed opportunity to administer intravenous steroid medication. It is not possible to determine, on the available evidence, whether more proactive treatment would have prevented Mrs HACKING'S death 
18/11/2024 18/11/2024 SADIQ, Mohammed Ali Suicide
19/11/2024 19/11/2024 JOY, Anish Suicide
19/11/2024 19/11/2024 THOMPSON, Jamie Lee Natural causes
21/11/2024 21/11/2024 SIMPSON-PARKER, Lara Suicide
21/11/2024 21/11/2024 WILSON, Red Drug related death
22/11/2024 28/11/2024 IDDON, Morgan Lilly Suicide
25/11/2024 25/11/2024 HASSAN, Omed Mahmood Suicide
02/12/2024 03/12/2024 BUSUIOC, Desire-Elena Accident
02/12/2024 03/12/2024 BUSUIOC, Louis Constantin Accident
02/12/2024 02/12/2024 HARGREAVES, Wanda Misadventure
02/12/2024 02/12/2024 NEARY, Jake Edward Road traffic collision
02/12/2024 02/12/2024 PATTERSON, Dorothy Accidental death
02/12/2024 02/12/2024 TAYLOR, Norman Industrial disease
02/12/2024 02/12/2024 TRUJILLO RIOS, Maria del Pilar Maria del Pilar TRUJILLO RIOS died on the 26th May 2024 at 42 Wymundsley, Chorley. Ms TRUJILLO RIOS suffered with significant back pain following surgeries, and used pain relief patches to manage her pain. Whilst visiting her daughter for an extended stay, and having travelled internationally to visit, Ms TRUJILLO RIOS inadvertently used too many patches and died as a result of an unintentional overdose of prescribed medication.
03/12/2024 03/12/2024 DAWSON, Faye-Grace Road traffic collision
03/12/2024 03/12/2024 HUGHES, David Ian David Ian HUGHES died on the 9th April 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. He underwent surgery on the 22nd March 2024 to remove lesions to his kidney and pancreas. Following the surgery, he developed a fistula to his pancreas, which is a common side effect of surgery. Mr HUGHES was discharged home but developed an infection and was readmitted to hospital. There were missed opportunities to diagnose Mr HUGHES with internal bleeding which occurred due to leaked pancreatic fluid eroding his splenic artery. As a result of the bleeding being undiagnosed, no treatment for the bleeding had commenced or been considered at the time of his death. In the afternoon of the 9th April 2024, Mr HUGHES' splenic artery ruptured and he died as a result of internal bleeding.
04/12/2024 04/12/2024 DAMIAN, Toader Cosmin Road traffic collision
05/12/2024 05/12/2024 BRUNSKILL, Bryan Bryan BRUNSKILL who had reduced mobility died on the 23rd of August 2024 at Royal Lancaster infirmary. He had been admitted to hospital on the 19th of August 2024 where a neck of femur fracture was detected, operated upon on the 22nd of August 2024 following which he suffered a cardiac event
05/12/2024 05/12/2024 GOONAN, Kevin Suicide
05/12/2024 05/12/2024 LEARY, David Alan Natural Causes
05/12/2024 05/12/2024 SILVERWOOD, Barbara Accidental death
05/12/2024 05/12/2024 SIMM, Angela Marie Angela Marie SIMM was found dead at her home on the 25th of June 2024 having ingested an excess of medication although her intentions at the time could not be ascertained
06/12/2024 06/12/2024 ADSIZ, Oguz Kaan Suicide
06/12/2024 06/12/2024 MARSDEN, Jennifer Theresa Jennifer Theresa MARSDEN who suffered from necrotising pancreatitis died on the 21st of October 2023 at the Royal Blackburn hospital from a gastric bleed which was complicated by anticoagulant medication and organ failure
06/12/2024 06/12/2024 PROFFITT-MCGRATH, Alice Leona Anne Suicide
06/12/2024 06/12/2024 ROBINSON, Martin John Suicide
09/12/2024 09/12/2024 MASHITER, Heather Suicide
09/12/2024 09/12/2024 PIOTROWSKI, Mateusz Drug and alcohol related death
09/12/2024 09/12/2024 SCOTTING, Abel Jaxx Abel Jaxx SCOTTING died on the 30th September 2023 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Baby Abel was a much loved child who was growing well and had no underlying health concerns. On the evening of the 29th September 2023 he fed as usual and was laid on a bed prior to being returned to his cot. He was found later face down and unresponsive. An ambulance was called but resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. It is not possible to determine the cause of Abel's death, but he had no injuries or underlying illness which could account for his death.
09/12/2024 09/12/2024 WIMBLES, Ian Robert Drug related death
10/12/2024 10/12/2024 BEITELMAL, Tameem Tameem BEITELMAL died on 29 February 2024 at Royal Blackburn Hospital, Blackburn. Mr BEITELMAL was admitted to hospital for laparoscopic anterior resection due to recurrent sigmoid volvulus. He was discharged home several days later but was readmitted to hospital as he became very unwell rapidly. On admission it was recognised that Mr BEITELMAL was at high risk from sepsis. Whilst awaiting further assessment and for treatment to be started, around an hour following his admission, he became unresponsive. Lifesaving treatment was started at that point, but Mr BEITELMAL did not recover. He died as result of peritonitis caused by leakage of bowel contents from the site of the surgical join of the resection 
10/12/2024 10/12/2024 PITT, Dorothy Accidental death
10/12/2024 10/12/2024 WELLS, Christine Suicide
11/12/2024 12/12/2024 PRINCE, Samuel Dylan Samuel Dylan PRINCE died on 14th April 2024 at 54 Collingwood Road, Chorley having ingested an excess of drugs however his intentions at the time could not be better ascertained
16/12/2024 16/12/2024 CHHABU, Jenab Jenab CHHABU died on the 18th September 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. Mrs CHHABU suffered a fall on the 12th February 2024 from an internal balcony in a home in India. She sustained fractures to her vertebrae and was operated upon, spending over a month in an Indian Hospital prior to repatriation. Whilst an inpatient at the Royal Preston Hospital, Mrs CHHABU was diagnosed with an infection in her spine which was treated with medication. Mrs CHHABU suffered a very rare side effect of this medication, which caused a very rare condition of damage to her brain from which she did not recover. 
16/12/2024 16/12/2024 WILCOCK, Michael Richard Michael Richard WILCOCK died on the 21st June 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of aspiration pneumonia. Mr WILCOCK had a number of underlying health conditions including end stage renal failure and was admitted to hospital in March 2024 for treatment. Whilst in hospital, Mr WILCOCK's health continued to deteriorate and he suffered two falls. In the second fall, Mr WILCOCK sustained a fractured neck of femur which was treated surgically. Following the fracture and the surgery, Mr WILCOCK's physical decline accelerated and despite treatment he died.
18/12/2024 18/12/2024 CASSON, Glynis Yvette Glynis Yvette CASSON was found deceased on14 July 2024 at her home address of 2 Back Grove Terrace, Morecambe in Lancashire. Glynis died as a result of aspiration pneumonia which was caused by Glynis's consumption of medication, due to the levels of pain she was experiencing. This reduced her conscious level and increased the risk of aspiration
18/12/2024 18/12/2024 DANIELS, Irene Accidental death
18/12/2024 18/12/2024 MOORHOUSE, John Accident
19/12/2024 19/12/2024 FENWICK, Robert Anthony Robert Anthony FENWICK died on the 6th September 2024 at the Whiston Hospital, Warrington Road, Prescot, as a result of injuries he sustained in a gas explosion on the 1st September 2024 at his home address. Mr FENWICK had disconnected a gas hose within his home which then ignited, causing an explosion. There is no evidence to suggest the ignition of the gas was deliberate. Mr FENWICK disconnected the gas with the intention of ending his own life. He had a history of mental health difficulties and his intention must be viewed within the context of his mental health deterioration.
19/12/2024 19/12/2024 PALMER, Gerard Peter Suicide
20/12/2024 20/12/2024 IVESON, William Natural cause
20/12/2024 20/12/2024 LOFTHOUSE, Kelly Marie Drugs related death
20/12/2024 20/12/2024 SARGENT, Daniel Suicide
03/01/2025 03/01/2025 CANNING, Liam Suicide
03/01/2025 03/01/2025 DICKINSON, Joan Joan DICKINSON died on the 3rd October 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of injuries she sustained in a fall downstairs. It is more likely than not that a medical event caused Mrs DICKINSON to fall. 
03/01/2025 03/01/2025 HOWE, Maria Louise Maria Louise HOWE was found dead at her home on the 27th of July 2024 having consumed an excess of medication and alcohol although her intentions at the time could not be ascertained
03/01/2025 03/01/2025 YOUNG, Benjamin John Alan Suicide
06/01/2025 06/01/2025 DYSON, Tyler James Natural causes
06/01/2025 08/01/2025 HODGKINSON, Ava Grace Ava Grace HODGKINSON died on 14 December 2022, at Ormskirk District General Hospital, Ormskirk in Lancashire. Following a short illness Ava was examined by a G.P. where no infection was found, but antibiotics were prescribed. The following morning, Ava took the first dose of antibiotics, however her condition later worsened and she was driven to Ormskirk District General Hospital in the early afternoon, where, upon arrival, she was noted to be in cardiac arrest and despite attempts to resuscitate, she did not recover. Miss HODGKINSON died of overwhelming Sepsis, resulting from Group A Streptococcus infection.
06/01/2025 06/01/2025 INGRAM, Robert Paul Robert Paul INGRAM died on the 31st August 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital. Mr INGRAM was an active gentleman who suffered a fall on the 14th August 2024 when his bike travelled over a sunken fire hydrant on Cowling Brow, Chorley. Mr INGRAM suffered a number of fractures in the fall and was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital where he was admitted. Later than evening, he was noted to have suffered a stroke and his inpatient care focused on both his Orthopaedic and stroke recovery needs. Mr INGRAM initially recovered well, before he suffered a further significant stroke on the 30th August 2024, following which he sustained catastrophic damage to his brain. His care was re-orientated to palliative support and he died on the 31st August 2024 as a direct result of an ischaemic stroke. His death was contributed to by the injuries he sustained in the fall on the 14th August 2024, as well as underlying cancer and pulmonary embolism which also occurred in the course of his in patient admission.
06/01/2025 06/01/2025 LEAVER, Alexander Christopher Drug related
07/01/2025 07/01/2025 LORD, Jake Samuel Jake Samuel LORD died on the 17th July 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital as a result of aspiration pneumonia. Jake had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy following his birth which resulted in physical difficulties including impaired swallowing. On the 15th July 2024 Jake was admitted to hospital having suffered a period of vomiting. He had aspirated vomit during that episode which led to aspiration pneumonia and his death.
08/01/2025 08/01/2025 ASSITT, Ronald Ronald ASSITT spent much of his working life in the building trade during which time he is likely to have been exposed to asbestos, as a result of which he developed malignant mesothelioma alongside pre-existing congestive heart failure, both of which lead to his deterioration and death on 11/09/24 after admission to Royal Lancaster Hospital. 
08/01/2025 08/01/2025 BARRATT, Frederick Thomas Frederick Thomas BARRATT who suffered from significant comorbidities died at Royal Blackburn hospital on the 18th of July 2024 from an infection following a fall at his home on the 8th of July 2024 which resulted in an injury to his brain
09/01/2025 09/01/2025 JOHNSON, Stacey On 22/07/24 Stacey JOHNSON collapsed at her home address of 24 Melville St., Burnley and on admission to hospital continued to deteriorate until her death there on 23/07/24, as a result of consumption of an excess of paracetamol, in circumstances and with intention that cannot be established.
09/01/2025 09/01/2025 O'BRIEN, Roderick Roderick O'BRIEN died on the 23rd September 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of a devastating brain injury caused by a fall. It is not possible to determine whether an accident or medical event caused him to fall.
09/01/2025 09/01/2025 QUIRK, Daniel Thomas Daniel Thomas QUIRK was found dead at his home on the 30th of September 2024 although no cause of death could be identified due to decomposition
09/01/2025 09/01/2025 STINSON, Stephen Natural causes contributed to by self neglect.
10/01/2025 10/01/2025 BANIK, Jitendra Lall Jitendra Lall BANIK died at Royal Preston Hospital on the 28 September 2024 from an injury sustained in a fall outside his home on the 20 September 2024, however it could not be determined if that fall was accidental or the result of a medical event.
10/01/2025 10/01/2025 BARKER, Ronald Accident
10/01/2025 10/01/2025 BOYS, Ian David Drugs related death
10/01/2025 10/01/2025 BRIDGES, Jake John Drug related
10/01/2025 10/01/2025 ELLIOT, Stephen Colin Stephen Colin ELLIOT died at Royal Preston Hospital on the 7th of December 2021 from an infection. He had suffered a non-accidental injury in infancy, leaving him severely disabled and susceptible to infections.
13/01/2025 15/01/2025 DODGSON, Wayne Unlawful Killing
13/01/2025 13/01/2025 MOFFATT, Garry Christopher Garry Christopher MOFFATT died on 24 July 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston in Lancashire. Mr MOFFATT was admitted to hospital for a hemicolectomy due to suspected bowel cancer. He became more unwell in the days that followed surgery leading to suspicion that the surgical join from the surgery had failed leading to the leakage of bowel contents, which is a known complication of the surgery. Initially this appeared to be a small leak, so was managed conservatively. However, an X-ray then suggested a more significant leak. He was taken back to surgery, but the friability of the mesentery superior vein and artery (caused by the previous surgery) led to it splitting in the surgery which led to significant bleeding. Mr MOFFATT quickly deteriorated following the second procedure and did not recover
14/01/2025 14/01/2025 TAYLOR, Timothy William Stuart Suicide
15/01/2025 15/01/2025 DICKINSON, Stephen John Stephen John DICKINSON who suffered from a number of significant comorbidities died at the Royal Blackburn Hospital on the 20th of July 2024 from a recognised complication of surgery undertaken on the 19th of July 2024
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 MOLLETT, Matthew Paul Misadventure
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 MURRAY, Anthony Paul Robert Anthony Paul Robert MURRAY died on the 12th August 2024 at 209 Tulketh Road, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston. He had a significant history of mental health needs which had led to substance use. Despite previous successful detoxification, Mr MURRAY had recommenced drug use. His death was as a result of combined drug toxicity where drugs and medication interacted to cause his death.
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 NEWSHAM, Norman Norman NEWSHAM died on 27 July 2024 at Royal Infirmary, Lancaster in Lancashire. Mr NEWSHAM was admitted to Royal Lancaster Infirmary with signs of a stroke and treated with thrombolysis. He was transferred to Royal Preston Hospital the following day where mechanical thrombectomy was attempted but failed to retrieve the clot. He was returned to Royal Lancaster Infirmary where he remained unwell. He developed pneumonia and did not recover. His death was contributed to by a delay in referring Mr NEWSHAM for thrombectomy
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 PEARSON, Caroline Drugs related death
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 ROSCOE, John Michael John Michael ROSCOE died on the 29th July 2024 at his home address. Mr ROSCOE had suffered an accidental fall on the 28th July 2024 which caused him significant injuries. Mr ROSCOE did not seek medical attention but went home. He was found deceased on the 29th July 2024 and died as a result of excess consumption of pain relieving medication.
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 THOMPSON, Lee Andrew Misadventure
16/01/2025 16/01/2025 WILCOCK, Marni Louise Marni Louise WILCOCK was found deceased on 2 August 2024 at Flat 5, 5 Oxford Street, Morecambe in Lancashire. Marni had stayed at a friends address and was found unresponsive before emergency services were called. Evidence was heard that Marni self-medicated due to back pain. She died as a result of mixed drug toxicity 
17/01/2025 17/01/2025 GILBERT, Leslie Paul Suicide
17/01/2025 17/01/2025 KEARNS, Jayden Paul Anthony Road traffic collision
20/01/2025 20/01/2025 BERNARD, Gillian Misadventure
20/01/2025 20/01/2025 JOY, Carl John Carl John JOY was found dead on the 11th September 2024 at the New Caravan Park, Carnforth, having consumed an excess of medication. It is not possible to determine his intentions at the time at which he consumed the medication
20/01/2025 20/01/2025 MELLING, Cynthia Cynthia MELLING died on the 14th October 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of community acquired pneumonia. Mrs MELLING had suffered a fall at home on the 11th October 2024 when she tripped over a mat whilst tidying and fractured her neck of femur. She was taken to hospital and underwent an operation, following which she deteriorated and died. The fall and fracture did not cause Mrs MELLING's death but contributed by impacting her limited physiological reserve, which meant she was unable to recover from the pneumonia
20/01/2025 20/01/2025 WEBB, Pauline Carol Pauline Carol WEBB died on the 14th October 2024 at the Chorley and South Ribble General Hospital, Chorley as a result of bronchopneumonia. Ms WEBB had a diagnosis of mesothelioma from 2022. This was caused by occupational exposure to asbestos in the course of Ms WEBB's working life. The mesothelioma, along with other underlying health conditions, contributed to Ms WEBB's death.
20/01/2025 20/01/2025 WHITE, Michael John Michael John WHITE died on 27 July 2024 at Royal Infirmary, Lancaster in Lancashire. Mr WHITE was admitted to hospital for knee replacement surgery which took place on 17 July 2024. Over the following days he became unwell and was diagnosed with pneumonia and commenced on antibiotic treatment. On 25th July, he became acutely unwell and was diagnosed with a bowel perforation which is likely to have been caused by peptic ulceration, which was unrelated to the surgery. He did not recover
21/01/2025 21/01/2025 DEAKIN, Joan Joan DEAKIN died on the 30th July 2024 at the Jah Jireh Residential Care Home, 7 Beechfield Court, Leyland. She had a number of underlying health conditions and on the 22nd June 2024, suffered an unwitnessed fall whilst trying to get out of bed. The fall caused bleeding within Mrs DEAKIN's brain. Following these injuries, Mrs DEAKIN's health deteriorated until her death on the 30th July 2024.
21/01/2025 21/01/2025 MARTINEZ, Linda Linda MARTINEZ was pronounced dead on the 7th October 2015 at 189, Avenue du Pylone, Antibes, France. She died by drowning. Mrs MARTINEZ was staying at a campsite when, on the 3rd October 2015, heavy rain caused a flash flood to travel through the site. Campsite staff had received warnings about expected rainfall from late morning on the 3rd October 2015 but did not commence an evacuation of the site until 2030. A French investigation found failings in addressing the risks presented by the weather by the campsite staff and delay in addressing these risks. This contributed to Mrs MARTINEZ's death by drowning.
21/01/2025 21/01/2025 MERVYN, Marco Ibrahim Misadventure
22/01/2025 22/01/2025 AVERY, Bernadette Ann Avery Drug related death
22/01/2025 22/01/2025 CAIRNS, Alan Alan Michael CAIRNS underwent surgery for a squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Surgery was largely uncomplicated but five days post operatively he developed a serious infection that caused his death on 30 July 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital. 
22/01/2025 22/01/2025 FEENEY, James Edward Natural cause
23/01/2025 23/01/2025 BIBBY, Clive Hodson Accidental death
23/01/2025 23/01/2025 CLEGG, Daniel Stephen Suicide
23/01/2025 23/01/2025 CLITHEROE, Doreen Evelyn Accidental death
23/01/2025 23/01/2025 OWENS, Mark Phillip Natural causes
23/01/2025 23/01/2025 TAYLOR, Doreen Accidental death
24/01/2025 24/01/2025 MITCHELL, Robert Ian Suicide
27/01/2025 27/01/2025 CAPSTICK, Peter Peter CAPSTICK died on the 28th March 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mr CAPSTICK had an operation to in 1986 and in March 2024 he was suffering with an incisional hernia following his earlier surgery. He attended at accident and emergency due to abdominal pain and was diagnosed with a perforation. Mr CAPSTICK was scheduled for surgery but became acutely unwell prior to surgery. The operation was uneventful but following this there were concerns about blood flow and a second operation was required. At this point it was noted there were no further surgical options which could assist Mr CAPSTICK and, when he continued to deteriorate, his care was re-orientated to palliative and he died. His death was caused by a perforation arising from a hernia following historic surgery. This is a known complication of the previous surgery.
27/01/2025 27/01/2025 DUFFIELD, Edward James On 31 October 2024 Edward James DUFFIELD was found unresponsive at his home address of 55 West Drive, Lancaster and was admitted to Royal Lancaster Infirmary where tests showed excessive blood levels of his prescribed medications of Sodium Valporate and Carbamazepine, which the deceased had ingested in circumstances and with intention that cannot be ascertained. His condition continued to deteriorate and he died at hospital on 3 November 2024. 
27/01/2025 27/01/2025 SERGEANT, Francis Leslie Natural causes
28/01/2025 28/01/2025 BROMLEY, Maureen Mrs Maureen BROMLEY died on the 28th October 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of injuries she sustained in a fall at home. it is not possible to determine whether an accident or medical reason caused Mrs BROMLEY to fall.
28/01/2025 28/01/2025 BURCHART, Szymon Arkadiusz Natural causes
28/01/2025 28/01/2025 ROBINSON, Diane Diane ROBINSON was found dead on the 10th September 2024 at her home address. Ms ROBINSON had suffered serious health anxiety and had taken excess medication deliberately on a number of occasions in the months prior to her death. It is not possible to determine what caused Ms ROBINSON's death but she had previously expressed an intention to end her life. It is not possible to determine if her death was intentional.
28/01/2025 28/01/2025 WATT, Jorja Jemima Misadventure
29/01/2025 29/01/2025 ROBINSON, Peter Peter ROBINSON died at the Royal Blackburn Hospital on the 12th of April 2024 from unknown complication of vascular surgery undertaken on the 19th of March 2024 
30/01/2025 30/01/2025 MCDONALD, Simon Andrew Rory Suicide
30/01/2025 30/01/2025 MITCHELL, Michael Paul Drug related death
30/01/2025 30/01/2025 ROGERS, Janet Patricia Misadventure
31/01/2025 31/01/2025 EDWARDS, Olive Olive EDWARDS died on the 19th of October 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital from a bleed in her brain. She had been admitted to hospital on the 13th of October 2024 following a series of falls at her home and had undergone surgery on the 15th of October 2024.
31/01/2025 31/01/2025 MOULDEN, Scott Accidental death
31/01/2025 30/01/2025 O'NEILL, Diana Mary Suicide
03/02/2025 03/02/2025 GOODENOUGH, Steven Steven GOODENOUGH died on the 8th May 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mr GOODENOUGH had a number of underlying health concerns and had developed wounds to his feet due to diabetes and vascular disease. These became infected and Mr GOODENOUGH developed infection within his bones. He was treated with a high dose of a common antibiotic for 3 weeks. Mr GOODENOUGH suffered a very rare but recognised side effect of the antibiotic which induced liver failure and, despite treatment, caused his death. 
04/02/2025 04/02/2025 SUTCLIFFE, Mark Geoffrey Mark Geoffrey SUTCLIFFE died on the 19th March 2024 at his home address by hanging. His mental health had deteriorated in the months prior to his death and he intended to end his own life when he secured the ligature. This intention must be viewed in the context of his mental health crisis. Mr SUTCLIFFE made previous attempts to end his own life and had been discharged by mental health services a week before his death. Further concerns had been escalated to mental health services but it was wrongly documented that he was open to a service when he was not. This meant no additional assessment of his mental well-being took place prior to his death. The day before his death, Mr SUTCLIFFE consulted with a paramedic who he told of his intention to end his life and by what means. An urgent referral was made to mental health services but he was allowed to leave the consultation and he had no further involvement with mental health services prior his death. It is not possible to determine what the outcome of additional mental health assessments would have been or whether these would have been sufficient to prevent Mr SUTCLIFFE's death. `
04/02/2025 04/02/2025 WHITESIDE, Mark Anthony Mark Anthony WHITESIDE died on the 6th July 2024 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of sepsis which had been caused by a lung abscess, pneumonia and pulmonary thromboembolism. Mr WHITESIDE was taken to hospital on the 5th July 2024 at suffered a cardiac arrest at the entrance. He was successfully resuscitated and diagnosed with sepsis but despite treatment he later died. Mr WHITESIDE had consumed medication and drugs prior to his cardiac arrest which contributed to his death by impairing his pulmonary function at the time his infection overwhelmed him.
05/02/2025 05/02/2025 SIMPSON, Joan Dallas Joan Dallas SIMPSON died on 28 September 2023 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, Lancashire. Mrs SIMPSON was admitted to hospital on 7 September 2023 with reduced consciousness and confusion. Infection and lithium toxicity were suspected. Despite treatment and investigations to determine the cause of Mrs SIMPSON's symptoms during her hospital stay, she did not recover. A review following her death determined that she died as a result of dehydration which was caused by nephrogenic diabetes insipidus which had been caused by long term treatment in the community with lithium
06/02/2025 06/02/2025 SHAUN, Sarah Elizabeth Drug related death
06/02/2025 06/02/2025 SIMPSON, Dennis Industrial disease
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 FISHWICK, Emma Jayne Emma Jayne FISHWICK, who was also known as Emma Jayne LAIRD, died on the 27th October 2024 at her home address by hanging. She had consumed some alcohol and cocaine prior to her death. As a result of this, it is not possible to determine her intentions at the time she secured the ligature.
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 FOWLER, Danielle Danielle FOWLER died on the 22nd August 2024 at her home address, having consumed an excess of medication. It is not possible to determine the circumstances of how she consumed the medication or who was present at the time it was consumed.
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 MASTERS, Lauren Nicole Misadventure
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 PARR, Sabrina Natural
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 PICKUP, Kathleen Eva Kathleen Eva PICKUP died on the 13th of May 2024 at Royal Blackburn Hospital from a heart attack. She had undergone neurosurgery on the 7th of March 2024 due to lumbar spondylosis, a further procedure on the 13th of March 2024, and thereafter a lengthy period of rehabilitation in a number of healthcare establishments. Physiotherapy input was limited in Burnley and Blackburn hospitals.
07/02/2025 07/02/2025 WARD, Irene Mrs Irene WARD died on the 25th September 2024 at her home address, having consumed an excess of medication. It is not possible to determine her intention at the time she consumed the medication.
10/02/2025 10/02/2025 KADZEVICIUS, Andrius Andrius KADZEVICIUS died on the 5th October 2022 at Wren Street, Nelson. His death was caused by epilepsy. Mr KADZEVICIUS had previously suffered bleeding within his brain in 2017 of unknown cause and also suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2020 following a punch administered by a male during a dispute. In addition, he had high blood pressure and had suffered a number of small strokes. The combination of these factors had caused him to develop epilepsy, which is more likely than not to have caused his death. The precise impact of each of these factors cannot be determined.
11/02/2025 11/02/2025 CHOYCE, Anne Anna CHOYCE died on the 22nd October 2024 at the Grange, Keighley Road, Colne as a result of aspiration pneumonia. Mrs CHOYCE suffered a fall down steep stairs at her home in 2015 which resulted in life changing injuries and a diagnosis of incomplete tetraplegia. As a result of this, Mrs CHOYCE suffered with an impaired swallow which left her at risk of developing aspiration pneumonia.
11/02/2025 11/02/2025 ENGLAND, Lavinia Nicola Misadventure
11/02/2025 11/02/2025 PATTERSON, Ellen Margaret Ellen Margaret PATTERSON died on the 8th September 2024 at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. Mrs PATTERSON had a number of underlying health conditions and had sustained an injury in a fall at her care home. She was taken to hospital and examined but suffered a cardiac arrhythmia whilst awaiting treatment for her other injuries.
11/02/2025 11/02/2025 SHACKLETON, Paul Allan Suicide
11/02/2025 11/02/2025 WILLIAMSON, David James Gerald David James Gerald WILLIAMSON died on the 25th November 2024 at his home address. Mr WILLIAMSON underwent surgery in September to treat ulcerative colitis. Following the surgery, he experienced a difficult recovery and developed small intestinal ischemia and peritoneal adhesions which led to bronchopneumonia and caused his death. His death was the result of recognised complications of the major surgery he underwent.
12/02/2025 12/02/2025 HOLDEN, Mark Mark HOLDEN who suffered from central congenital hypoventilation syndrome died at his home on the 18th of September 2024 from a heart attack. A requested venesection was not undertaken prior to his death.
12/02/2025 12/02/2025 KEENAN, Kevin Natural cause
14/02/2025 14/02/2025 ATHERTON, William Suicide
17/02/2025 17/02/2025 DRAKE, Dennis Dennis DRAKE died on 30 January 2024 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston in Lancashire. Mr DRAKE was admitted to Blackpool Victoria Hospital on 23 January 2024 with signs of confusion. He was discharged the same day without being fully assessed as to whether it was safe for Mr DRAKE to return home. He should not have been discharged when he was. He was readmitted to Blackpool Victoria hospital the following day after a fall at home. An unstable fracture dislocation of the C6/C7 left pedicle was diagnosed and he was transferred to Royal Preston Hospital for treatment. Whilst awaiting surgery Mr DRAKE's condition deteriorated due to aspiration pneumonia; the development of which was contributed to by not elevating Mr DRAKE when he was first readmitted to hospital following the fall. He did not recover 
18/02/2025 18/02/2025 CUNNINGHAM, Wayne John Accidental death
19/02/2025 19/02/2025 WHYATT, Tristan Road traffic collision
20/02/2025 20/02/2025 MATTHEWS, John John MATTHEWS died at Chorley and South Ribble General Hospital Chorley on the 28th of September 2024 from an infection. As a young man he had suffered a traumatic brain injury in a road traffic collision. In the months before his death, his health deteriorated increasing the risk of chest problems. 
21/02/2025 21/02/2025 MARSHALL, Jake William Jake William MARSHALL died at his home on the 16th of June 2024 from a cardiac event. His heart was found to be enlarged most likely damaged by drug and alcohol use.
This is the only information that can be provided at this time. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any additional information other than what is on the Court List. Please note inquests can be changed at the last minute, please check before attending.