Religious marriages

Church of England or Church of Wales

You usually qualify to marry in a Church of England church if you can show that one of the persons intending to marry:

  • Was baptised or prepared for confirmation in that parish
  • Had his or her usual place of residence in that parish for a period of not less than six months
  • Regularly attend public worship in that parish for a period of not less than six months
  • A parent during the lifetime of the person wishing to marry has had his or her usual place of residence in that parish for a period of not less than six months
  • A parent or grandparent has been married in that parish

Reading of the Banns of Marriage

To give formal notice you need to speak to the vicar.

If they agree to marry you they will give notice of the proposed marriage by arranging for the banns to be read on three Sundays before the day of your ceremony or for a common licence to be issued.

On the day the vicar will perform the religious ceremony and arrange to return your signed marriage document to the local register office to be added to the electronic register. Once your marriage has been registered in the electronic register you will be able to order a marriage certificate.

There is usually no need to involve the local superintendent registrar unless one of you is subject to immigration control. If this applies to you, you need to contact the ceremony office to arrange an appointment to attend a Registration Office to give a legal notice of marriage. 

Other places of religious worship

If you wish to marry by religious ceremony other than in the Church of England or Church in Wales, the Church or religious building in question must normally be in the registration district where you or your partner live. 

If the religious minister is not authorised to register marriages, you will also need to book a registrar to attend your marriage. 

If a registrar needs to attend your marriage, the registration will be subject to marriage registration fees.

Notice of Marriage

Once you have a booking in place, either with your Minister or with our Ceremonies Officer, you need to book an appointment to give notice of a marriage.  

Notice of Marriage must be completed at least 28 days before the day of your marriage at a registration office in the district in which you live. You can only give notice up to one year before your ceremony.

On the day of the ceremony

On the day of the ceremony, the registrar will see you both in private before the ceremony to check the details on the marriage schedule.

You will each be asked for your full name, age, occupation, the address of your residence on the day of your marriage, the full name and occupation of your parents/step parents and whether they are retired or deceased. Up to four parent/step-parent details can be added for each party to the marriage.

It is your responsibility to provide two witnesses to the marriage. The witnesses must be able to understand what is taking place during the ceremony.