All births in England or Wales must be registered in the area where the child was born within 42 days of the date of birth. You can claim Child Benefit as soon as you’ve registered the birth of your child.
Information about registering a stillbirth.
You can register a birth that took place in Lancashire at any of our registration offices. Please note that you will need to book an appointment.
If you do not speak English fluently, you may ask a friend or relative to go with you to act as an interpreter. If you need us to provide an interpreter there will be a non-refundable charge of £86. We do not charge a fee for British Sign Language interpreters or similar communication support because of disabilities. The interpreter must attend in person with the parents.
Who can register a birth
If the parents of the child were married to each other, or in a legal civil partnership, when the child was born, either parent may register the birth on their own and will include both parents' names in the register. Please note that only one parent needs to attend to register the child if the parents are married or in a legal civil partnership with each other.
If the parents are not married or in a legal civil partnership, both parents' details can only be entered in the register in the following circumstances:
- The parents go to the registration office and sign the birth register together. Please note, in this case, if either parent does not speak English fluently, a third party interpreter will be needed (please see information above regarding interpreters). The parents will not be able to interpret for each other if they are not married or in a legal civil partnership with each other. In this case, the registrar will not be able to complete an appointment if either parent is unable to understand what the registrar is saying and there is no third party interpreter present.
Where either parent is unable to go to the registration office - they may make a statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage which the other parent must take to the registration office. You can get the statutory declaration of parentage form in PDF format from
- Where the parents have made a parental responsibility agreement or either has obtained an appropriate court order - the agreement or order should be taken to the registration office by either parent.
You do not need to bring child to the appointment.
When you attend the office, your appointment will take approximately 30 minutes unless you are registering multiple births or attending with an interpreter. Once the registration is complete, you can purchase a copy certificate. Certificates are £12.50 each.
Other people who may register births
If the mother or father are not able to register the birth the registrar will arrange for the registration to be completed by whichever of the following people is best able to do so:
- The occupier of the house or hospital where the child was born
- A person who was present at the birth
- A person who is responsible for the child
Information you need to register a birth
- Date and place of birth. If the birth is one of twins, triplets, etc. The time of each child's birth will also be needed
- Sex of the child
- Name and surname of the child
It would be useful if you could bring one of the following documents for both mother and father to the appointment, Passport/Utility Bill/Driving Licence/Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate. You can however still register the birth without any of these.
Where this information is to be entered in the register.
- First name(s) and surname
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation
- First name(s) and surname
- Maiden surname
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation
- Address at the date of the birth
- Date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the birth
- Number of previous children
If you can't go to a registration office in the area where the child was born, you can go to another registration office and make a declaration. They will send your details to the correct office and the birth certificate will be posted to you.
Certificates issued
After a birth has been registered, you can purchase either a short birth certificate showing the name, sex, date and district of birth or a standard birth certificate. The standard birth certificate shows the parents' details and are required when applying for a passport.
The cost of either certificate at the time of registration is £12.50.
You can buy extra copies of short and standard certificates at the time of registration or any time afterwards.