How to enter

To enter, upload a photo of your artwork of a Lancashire landscape. We want to see paintings, sketches, collages, lino prints or even embroideries depicting your favourite view of Lancashire in spring, summer, autumn or winter.

Artworks that are photographs or digital images are not permitted.

Your artwork must be an original by you and be in 2D and landscape format.

Landscape not portrait orientation

You can upload one artwork per season.

The competition is open to all.

Full eligibility criteria and entry instructions can be found in the terms and conditions.

Submission guidelines

The judges will view your artwork on a screen, so it is important to take a good photograph of the work. Follow the advice below to take the best photograph of your landscape.

Positioning your artwork

Photograph your artwork somewhere with bright, soft lighting, such as near a large window. Harsh, direct lighting can alter the colours or cast shadows on your artwork.

Do not include a frame or mounts. The photograph should only show your artwork. Remove any frames or mounts from the landscape. It may help to attach loose paper artworks to a firm background that can be hung or leant against a wall.

Camera settings and positioning

  • Make sure the camera lens is clean and free of dust.
  • Use a tripod or flat surface to stabilise the camera and achieve a sharp image. You could use the self-timer to help with this.
  • Tilt the camera to match the angle of the artwork so the image is not distorted.
  • Leave a small amount of space around the edge of your artwork to maximise the resolution.
  • Take a horizontal photograph of your landscape artwork.
  • Turn all the lights off if taking the photograph in daylight. Do not use a flash as this will alter the appearance of your work.

Reviewing your photos

Check the photograph is:

  • in focus
  • not too light
  • not too dark

The colours in your photograph should be as close as possible to the original artwork.

File size

The photograph of your artwork must have a file size of at between 800KB and 5MB.

Submit entry form