Welcome to Lancashire Artist of the Year 2024

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to enter. The competition is now closed for 2024.

Our panel of judges will pick their favourites from each season to create a shortlist.

The shortlisted artworks will then be open to an online public vote between 9:00 on Monday 15 July 2024 and 23:59 on Monday 5 August 2024.

We'll use the most popular 3 artworks from each season to create a 2025 calendar sold in all Lancashire County Council libraries.

The artwork with the most votes will become the overall winner, featuring on the calendar cover, with the artist who created it winning the title of Lancashire Artist of the Year 2024.



There are some fantastic prizes for the overall winner and the artists who create the 12 chosen artworks for the calendar.

Meet the judges

Meet the judges

Learn more about our judging panel.