The Lancashire Armed Forces Covenant Hub

What's happening

The latest armed forces news, events and information in Lancashire.

Armed Forces information portal Armed Forces events portal

Lancashire Armed Forces Covenant Guide

Our overview of Covenant activity in Lancashire.

Lancashire Covenant guide (External link in flipbook format)

Covenant guide cover

Lancashire business directory

A directory of businesses from across Lancashire, many of whom are Forces friendly.

The Lancashire business directory (External link)

Business directory logo

Lancashire directory of services

A directory of service providers who can help members of the Armed Forces community.

Directory of services cover

Armed Forces news and information

Forces News News stories from the Forces community.

Army HIVE Info A news and info blog from the Army’s information service.

More information

About the Lancashire Armed Forces Covenant Hub

Can't find what you're looking for?

We are continuing to develop a range of information for this website. If you think that we are missing something then please send your feedback to us.