Service leavers guide
The Service Leavers Guide offers information and advice prior to and after leaving regular service. The guide, which is updated annually, contains information about armed forces’ pensions, resettlement, reserve liability and support from charitable organisations.
Adjusting to life outside armed forces - is a resource to support service leavers, veterans and their families going through the adjustment process of living outside of the Armed Forces has been developed by the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.
The resource is an e-learning package specifically addressing the issues that are commonly experienced in the lead up to, and after leaving the Armed Forces. These include issues such as acquiring accommodation, employment, finances, health as well as personal, family and social adjustment. This is in recognition that the transition and resettlement phase does not end when people actually leave the armed forces. For some it continues for weeks, months and even years after they have left. It also raises awareness of the Armed Forces Covenant and the support that exists for veterans and their families.
These resources have been co-funded by Warwickshire County Council and the Armed Forces Covenant Fund as part of the promise to ensure members of the Armed Forces community are treated fairly and not disadvantaged as a result of Service.