Update from Interim Chief Executive, Mark Wynn - Press coverage on Local Government Review
There has been some recent press coverage over the potential for Local Government Review within Lancashire and whilst I cannot control what is written in the press I wanted to set out for you what I believe to be the latest position and assure you I will send out any relevant updates as and when.
The current position is that the new government have made it clear that they wish to see 'devolution' arrangements in place across all of England at some point over the next few years. Devolution, in itself, is about receiving more money and powers from central government and is not about changing Council structures. The government recently invited Local Authorities to join a 'devolution priority programme' if they were just starting out on this journey and wanted to move quickly to progress the process. As part of this process reference was made to some areas of England needing to undertake Local Government review to be able to do this.
Lancashire is not in this position and has asked to continue on the arrangement it currently has for devolution which was agreed with Government in October.
Alongside this process, which is what has driven recent press coverage, the notion of Local Government review across areas that have both County Councils and District Councils (known as two-tier) is being explored by government.
I understand the process that will be followed to be as follows:
- A letter from government will be received by the end of January (setting out criteria for any proposals)
- Initial high-level proposals will be expected from Councils prior to the end of March
- Government will review these proposals and consider which warrant further consideration
- More detailed work will be undertaken through to November
At this moment in time, we are awaiting the letter from government that will give clarity on the process.
I appreciate this has the potential to be unsettling and will update as and when we have further information to share.
It is important to remember that these are exploratory conversations at this stage, and one of the key considerations in any evaluation is ensuring minimum disruption to valuable services to residents, any proposals that are considered going forward will not be about stopping doing things but about doing them differently and in a more sustainable manner.
I am in regular contact with the other Lancashire Chief Executives to provide consistent information to staff and will update you as often as I can, and the leadership team are happy to pick up questions that you may have.