Update from Angie Ridgwell 15 July 2024

Hello everyone,

Today's image shows just some of our many highways colleagues who have been responsible for delivering the new M55 to Heyhouses Link Road. The road opened on Friday 28 June, completing the existing Lytham St Annes Way by linking the Whitehills Roundabout near the M55 at its northern point, to Heyhouses Lane near Cypress Point in Lytham St Annes. This major project is an excellent example of how we work in collaboration with local and national partners to improve the lives of our residents and help local businesses. If you visited the Lytham Festival, you may well have experienced firsthand how this successful project is already helping to ease congestion. Well done to everyone involved.

Digital Services

I want to start this email by saying a huge thank you to everyone in Digital Services. As you will know, there was a recent digital security incident that resulted in staff, particularly in our Digital Services and Communications Service working around the clock to keep us and our data safe. If you have not already done so, please ensure that you follow the recent guidance issued and set up two-factor authentication for access to the network, which is available on the intranet.

General election

Following the general election, the Labour Party have now formed a government. We will be working closely with local government lobby groups and using our contacts in Whitehall to understand how the Labour Party manifesto missions will translate into policy and the impact this is likely to have on our services.

We expect a lot of announcements to be trailed over the summer ahead of the King's Speech on 17 July, when the new government will announce its full legislative programme. In the meantime, we will keep you updated with any changes that might affect us. For now, we will continue with business as usual bringing the best possible services to the people of Lancashire.

With a new government in place, please remember that if you are approached by a government minister or local MP to visit your service, please email democratic.services@lancashire.gov.uk as soon as possible. There is a handy guide available on the intranet: Ministerial visits from high-profile politicians and dignitaries.

The end of the election also means that we are no longer in the pre-election period and we can go back to business as usual in terms of the promotion of council events and activities. Please do look at the guide for inviting councillors to events, which is available on the intranet. Councillors are the elected representatives of Lancashire and should be made aware of any events or activities taking place in their area.

Performance Engagement

Managing performance and engaging with our staff are fundamental parts of our leadership and management responsibilities at all levels across the council, as set out in our new Leading Lancashire framework that I have previously shared with you. Our performance engagement process focuses on your manager having regular, high-quality conversations with you. These discussions should happen at least every three months and it's all about the conversation, not the paperwork. Our performance engagement process - employee guidance explains how this operates and includes what you need to do before your performance engagement discussion takes place.

Managers also have their own performance engagement process which requires them to gather feedback on the impact they have in their roles. We have recently updated the questionnaire managers use to gather this feedback to include some core elements of the Leading Lancashire framework. Managers should issue this new Leadership Behaviour Questionnaire (LBQ) every 6 months to line managers, direct reports, peers, and senior colleagues so they can discuss this with their managers.

Menopause accreditation – workplace support

Supporting each other and ensuring that our organisation is a great place to work, and where we feel happy and nurtured, is also one of our top priority areas.  

This is why we are committed to becoming a menopause-friendly employer. This important work is sponsored by our Executive Director for Adult Services, Louise Taylor, our Director of Digital, Peter Lloyd and Lucy Thompson, our Director of People. All are playing an active role in shaping the support for menopause going forward.

We’re proud of the help that we have available to staff and have had some great feedback on its impact. Of course, there is more we can do and we are seeking accreditation to become a menopause-friendly employer. We recently posted information about this, along with the support available to all staff on the intranet. This information is also available on our staff area of the county council website www.lancashire.gov.uk/staff.

Taking centre stage in the North

Next year, Lancashire will be hosting the next Convention of the North. This is a major event and will take place at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston on 27 and 28 of February 2025. The Convention of the North is a pivotal forum for fostering collaboration across sectors. Previous conventions have been held in Leeds, Gateshead, Rotherham, Liverpool, and Manchester, each building on the momentum of the previous year to create a "powerful, unifying voice of the North." This year will be more important than ever as the North seek to present a clear, coordinated, cross-party proposition to the new government.

The convention will bring together Northern leaders from a wide range of institutions and organisations, including councils, mayoral combined authorities, businesses, universities, youth parliaments, voluntary sector organisations, and health and transport bodies, among others.

This is a great opportunity to show what a fantastic place Lancashire is and make sure that the voice of the North is heard.

I hope you all have an amazing week and fingers crossed the good weather returns!