
Long Service Award

To recognise and reward an employee's long service with Lancashire County Council. The Long Service Award can be claimed by the following categories of employees:

  • Employees who have achieved 20 years' or more Lancashire County Council service

  • Employees who have achieved 15 years' or more Lancashire County Council service by 1 January 2011 and who are leaving/have left the employment of the Council after 1 August 2010

To find out how to claim your Long Service Award please click How to claim a Long Service Award.  If you do not have intranet access please contact

Staff Excellence Awards - Employee Awards

The Staff Excellence Awards formally recognise the efforts and achievements of individuals and teams in the pursuit of achieving county council objectives and to motivate employees and volunteers to pursue continuous improvement in the delivery of public service.

All employees (except those in delegated schools) plus volunteers who are registered with Lancashire County Council, are eligible to participate in the scheme.  The Staff Excellence Awards happens each year.