Wellness Action Plans - a personalised, practical tool we can all use, whether we have a mental health problem or not, to help us identify what keeps us well at work, what causes us to become unwell, and how to address a mental health problem at work should you be experiencing one.
Every Mind Matters - simple steps and resources to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Employee assistance programme - free and confidential counselling and advice on a variety of personal, family or workplace issues including mental health, relationships, loneliness, and bereavement.
The employee support team offer confidential, impartial and solution-focused support to employees who have workplace-related issues and concerns that are impacting on their health and job performance. To find out more e-mail employeesupport@lancashire.gov.uk.
Start the conversation– find local bereavement and mental health support services. Also has links to suicide prevention help.
Able Futures provide 9 months of confidential support for your mental health at work (funded by the Department of Work and Pensions).
Lancashire BME network provide culturally sensitive, funded counselling for Black, Asian and Minority ethnic communities.
Self-care, keeping yourself well and looking after others
MECC Link- simple signposting to support better health and wellbeing.
Talk to your manager about flexible working options.
Support for working carers
Information for carers– support from Lancashire County Council if you care for someone aged 18 years or over.
If you live in North, South or Central Lancashire, the N Compass Lancashire Carers Serviceprovides information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services.
Help for parents and carers– support if you care for a child or young person including information on local carer support groups - part of the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer.