Our schedule

We have a dedicated and very active Teams channel for the Change Influencers to ask questions, share information and ideas, or seek support.

We come together as a Network every 8 weeks for hybrid half-day events to discuss topics raised by Change Influencers, hear from guest speakers and get involved in development sessions. The events are encouraged wherever possible but certainly not mandatory and we fully understand that the operational commitments come first, so we always record each session.

We also run monthly drop-in sessions to give Change Influencers the opportunity to share updates with each other, request advice or seek inspiration by listening to what others in the Network are up to.

The focus of some of our recent Network events have included:

June 2023

  • Digital platform - enabling change session with Paul Sutcliffe
  • Intranet review with Amelia Susulowsky
  • Vivup update with Sandra O'Hare

September 2023

  • Oracle Fusion update with Matt Duke
  • New starter process update with Louise Benney and Gemma Bolger
  • Facilities management update with Clare Joynson, Dawn Smith and Gary Young

November 2023

  • Staff survey results deep dive with Claire Walker
  • Performance engagement session with Sandra O'Hare
  • Change management in Customer Access session with Charlotte Catterall

January 2024

  • Supporting Good Days at Work project overview with Helen Wilkinson
  • Staff survey update with Claire Walker
  • Influencing change development session with Sandra O'Hare

March 2024

  • AI policy update with Simon Baines
  • Shaping LCC's employee engagement plan with Claire Walker
  • Improving communication and engagement in Public Health session with Wendy Mackley

May 2024

  • Top tips for managing change with Julie Bell

June 2024

  • People and workforce update with Lucy Thompson
  • Coaching offer and demonstration with Louise Baron
  • Updates from the LGBTQ+ Network and Workforce Race Equality Standards with Cobie Forshaw and Debra Bradshaw