Our key priorities

2025 looks to be a busy but exciting year for Lancashire and there will be lots for the Change Influencer Network to get involved in, such as: 

  • Supporting change, engagement and improvement initiatives within our own teams and services, e.g. promoting staff survey uptake and feeding into subsequent actions.

  • Collaborating with the Change Service on major portfolio work.

  • Discovery work around staff experiences of bullying, harassment and abuse at LCC.

  • Helping shape our future employee induction.

  • Testing the 360’ feedback app for people managers and leaders.

  • Sitting on the staff panel for the Chief Executive interviews.

Some of our previous key priorities include:

  • Feeding into the Employee Assistance Programme and the Supporting Good Days at Work Programme.

  • Inputting into the council plan, through our own feedback and that of our colleagues and Staff Voice Groups.

  • Helping services to improve employee engagement and increase uptake of the annual staff surveys.

  • Assisting with the promotion and uptake of Copilot (AI).

  • Helping to shape leadership and management expectations and behaviours at LCC, e.g. feeding into the Leading Lancashire Framework.