LERN promotes the recording of wildlife and welcomes records of all species, no matter how common or widespread.

If you want to enter your records on line then you can use iRecord or iNaturalist. Both of these sites have apps you can use on you smart phone to capture records when you are out-and-about and help you identify what you have seen. We have prepared guidance on managing your iNaturalist profile settings (PDF 331 KB)   that will enable LERN to make most use of your records to inform the work we do.

Alternatively, send your records to us by email or by post at the address on the contact page. See what is a record for the details we require.

LERN uses the Recorder 6 software to store biological records. If you have large numbers of records then we would welcome them in an electronic format such as a spreadsheet or a delimited text file.

We can also take records on paper such as notebooks and record cards. These can be scanned and returned to the owner.

When you share your records with LERN they remain your intellectual property. We have prepared a Data Sharing and Use Policy which sets out how LERN will share and use the data supplied to us. When you supply us with your records you accept that we may hold and use them in accordance with the Data Sharing & Use Policy and associated LERN Policies & Procedures. Please be aware that these policies may be subject to change.

We have prepared a number of Data Custodianship Agreements for use between LERN and individual recorders or groups who share data with us. These can be tailored to suit particular requirements, for example, they could impose further specific restrictions on how we can use your data. Please contact us if you would like to discuss entering into a Data Custodianship Agreement.