Food and nutrition

A healthy diet can help to support good physical and mental health, whilst a poor diet has been linked to a number of long term illnesses including cancer, coronary heart disease, excess weight, hypertension (high blood pressure) and type 2 diabetes.

Nutrition advice advocates that balance is the key to a healthy diet, and eating a wide variety of food and drink in the right proportions will help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Key findings

  • 2022/23 estimates suggest that 29.3% of adults (aged 16+) in Lancashire-12 are meeting the '5-a-day' fruit and vegetable consumption recommendation, significantly lower than the England average (31%), Blackburn with Darwen is also significantly lower (22.1%) as are Blackpool estimates (23%).
  • At district level proportions were significantly worse than England in Preston (21.9%), Burnley (22.6%), Hyndburn (25.5%), Pendle (26.2%), and South Ribble (26.4). Proportions of adults consuming 5 portions of fruit and veg are significantly better than England in Fylde (38.1%) whilst the remaining 6 districts are statistically similar.
  • The latest data available regarding fruit and veg consumption by young people is from 2014/15 therefore may not be indicative of current habits. The 'What about YOUth' (WAY) survey (2014/15) indicated that the average number of portions of fruit consumed per day in Lancashire-12 was 2.4, similar to England (2.4) (persons aged 15 years). For vegetables the number of portions was significantly worse than England (2.3 and 2.4 respectively).
  • Public Health England calculated that in 2014 there were 47,928 fast food outlets across England, of which 1,282 (3%) are based in Lancashire-12, giving the area a crude outlet concentration rate of 108.2 (per 100,000 of the population), significantly above the England rate (88.2). Blackburn with Darwen (128.1) and Blackpool (192.9) were also found to have significantly higher concentrations of fast food outlets.
  • In 2015 Lancashire County Council conducted a comprehensive lifestyle survey as part of their Health behaviours joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA), with over 13,000 responses from across the Lancashire-12 area. On the subject of diet and nutrition, the survey found under a fifth (17%) of respondents eat fast food or take away meals at least once a week.

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Page updated May 2024