Personal incomes


HM Revenue & Customs publishes figures on UK taxpayers, their income, and the income tax they are liable for. The data excludes individuals who do not pay income tax. As the data use sample-based estimates, the district council local authority estimates have wide confidence intervals and are, therefore, only a guide.

The median total personal income estimates are for 2021/22.

  • The median total personal income estimate for the Lancashire-12 area (£25,200) was statistically significantly lower than England (£27,500).
  • None of the Lancashire-14 local authority areas had incomes that were statistically significantly higher than England.
  • Fylde (£27,400) and West Lancashire (£27,100) had the highest incomes in Lancashire-14.
  • Blackpool (£21,900) and Pendle (£22,000) had the lowest incomes in Lancashire-14.

Median total personal income estimates (2021/22)

Source: Statistics about personal incomes, HM Revenue & Customs  


Page updated 19 December 2024