Changes to where we provide your services
How are services affected?
Children and Family Wellbeing Services
These services exist to help make sure all children and young people are able to have a good start in life, offering help and support where needed at the earliest opportunity. They include services for children and their families, and young people's services.
The revised service focuses on those children, young people and their families who are most in need and need more intensive support. The support is delivered in council buildings that focus on children 0-11 years, young people 12-19+ years or the whole age range 0-19+ years. This includes group based and drop-in support, learning and developmental activities as well as one to one targeted support for children, young people and their families. 94% of the most deprived 0-4 year olds remain within 1.5 miles of a children's centre service.
The service is also delivered through outreach provision, not necessarily delivered from a Lancashire County Council building but meeting the particular needs of individuals and groups in more remote communities. The outreach support is provided at locations like schools, health centres, cafes and individuals' own homes.
Support is also provided from eight mobile centres which have the flexibility of being able to locate in 'hotspot' areas where there may be high levels of anti-social behaviour or young people are needing the help most.
Registration Service
This provides services for people to register important life events including births, marriages and deaths. The service continues to run in key locations across Lancashire but may now be located in a neighbourhood centre, sharing the building with one or more services.
Children's Services
Social workers and other staff provide support to children, young people and their families and often have meetings with them in a variety of buildings across the county. This service will operate from a number of neighbourhood centres to cover the different districts.
Youth Offending Team
These services are designed to prevent offending by children and young people and to improve the way young people are dealt with should they become involved in the criminal justice system. The service will be co-located with services for young people where possible.
Adult Disability Day Service
This involves a range of services for adults with a disability. It is a shared service for people with learning disabilities and people with physical disabilities.
Older People's Day Service
This involves day care for older people but does not include residential care services.
Welfare Rights
This service offers free, impartial and independent advice and support on a range of welfare benefits from various bases around the county. The service has a central administrative base in Preston and will use the flexible accommodation at neighbourhood centres to reach communities as effectively as possible. The precise way in which the service is made available at different buildings will vary based on need.