Walk and Talk

Help your child to develop their communication and language skills.

Walk and Talk

Help your child to develop their communication and language skills.

Walk and Talk is about inspiring families to go outside and communicate with each other.

Talking to young children during everyday activities can help them learn communication skills such as:

  • listening
  • attention
  • turn taking in a conversation
  • learning new words

Being outside is good for their wellbeing as well as your own and in Lancashire we have lots of beautiful places to walk and talk.

You might talk about:

  • listening and describing the traffic as you drop children off to school - what sound do they make? 
  • looking at the ducks in the pond at your local park - what do their feet look like?

If your child goes to a childcare provider, they'll have suggestions too. We're asking providers to get involved and support you to take part.


The activities below have discussion ideas for different places such as the park, the woods and the shops and we've got some top tips to help you.

Take a look at our ideas for things to talk about today: