Children, education and families
School opening times and closures, school attendance, apply for a school place, free school meals and free transport to school.
Early years and childcare
Early years, childcare and getting ready to start school.
Young people
Information, advice and services for young people.
What's on
Find local drop-in sessions, groups, courses and activities for families.
Lancashire Family Hubs Network
A Family Hub is a place where children, young people and their families can access support.
Find a children and family wellbeing service
Previously children's centres and Young People's Service. We support families of babies, children and teenagers (0-19 years old) and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities up to 25.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - local offer
Local offer for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Keeping children safe
Report a child at risk, looking after somebody else's child, child employment certificates, performance licences, chaperoning children and referrals to children's social care.
Pregnancy, baby and parenting
Advice and support for your family during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
Educating your child at home
Help, advice, and how to take your child out of school to educate them at home.
Children in our care, care leavers and vulnerable children
Includes previously looked after children - information for adoptive parents and those with children on a special guardianship order or child arrangement order.
Children and young people's participation
How children and young people can take part and express themselves in decisions or issues that affect their lives.
How to adopt, information, events, guidance and support.
How to become a foster carer, information, training, guidance and support.